Could your money mindset be holding you back from immense wealth and financial security? Many people struggle with negative thought patterns when it comes to money, especially those who have experienced extreme poverty or are currently deep in debt.
To change your life you may need to first look at the very core of your beliefs regarding wealth and prosperity; learn how to start manifesting more money in your life and get a free frugal living printable that can help!
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Change your money mindset with this frugal living printable
People love to say that money is the root of all evil.
In truth, money is neither inherently good nor evil — it is just a tool.
However, a negative mindset towards money may even repel prosperity from you!
By changing your attitude and inner dialogue when it comes to money, you can have a healthier relationship with finances and begin to manifest money in your life.
To get you started I have created this frugal living printable with 10 prosperity affirmations that will harness the power of positivity so you can start manifesting wealth and reach for your financial goals.
If you are already familiar with affirmations and how they work you can scroll to the bottom to get your free printable.
If not, keep reading this guide on how to use these money affirmations so you can maximize your outcomes.
The power of manifestation
To the religious, it’s the power of prayer.
To parapsychologists and philosophers, it’s mind over matter.
To the swagalicious, it’s fake it ’till you make it. 😉
There have been many studies that confirm affirmations and self-talk, both positive and negative, can bring about actual change in people’s lives, from education to weight loss to dealing with work-related stress.
If you have ever heard the term self-fulfilling prophecy, it’s kind of like that.
Our self-talk, or the way that we speak to ourselves, has a powerful effect on our actions and reactions.
Using positive thinking to manifest mental, physical, or environmental change is not a new concept
In 2006, the feature-length film The Secret was released to great acclaim and fanfare.
The movie was followed by the book, which became a worldwide sensation and topped the best sellers list for a long time.
To date, the book has sold 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages.
The Secret is now available for streaming on Netflix! It’s great as a reference for positive affirmations.
Basically, the premise of The Secret is a three-step process: ask, believe, receive.
Positive affirmations work the same way.
I remember reading an article from a (former) non-believer who went from “affirmations are a crock of s—” to a total convert after using birth affirmations made her home birth more bearable.
She decided to try money affirmations and was able to manifest some very interesting opportunities.
How my husband and I escaped poverty and debt
My husband grew up in extreme poverty in rural China. He lived with his family of 7 in a stone house with two rooms and dirt floors.
- Want hot water for your tea? You need to carry it from the stream and heat it with firewood that you chopped yourself.
- Need to use the bathroom? The outhouse is right over there – make sure to empty the bucket in the woods afterward.
I grew up in a solidly middle-class family with a fairly comfortable childhood but ended up a penniless orphan by age 20 due to my parents’ early illnesses and deaths.
I was actually $25,000 in debt when I graduated with my Master’s degree.
How frugal living changed our lives:
Neither of us had childhoods that supported success and prosperity.
However, through frugal living, we have continually saved 50-70% of our income.
Our minimalistic lifestyle and saving efforts were so successful that we recently moved overseas to enjoy a debt-free lifestyle!
Here are a few of our accomplishments:
- Collectively paid off $50,000 in debt soon after graduating
- Have owned and sold our own home
- Live completely debt-free in Europe
- Increased our income with creative side hustles
- Looking to retire my husband early in 2-3 years
Ask, Believe, Receive
In order to use affirmations properly and start manifesting, there are some guidelines to keep in mind.
1. Use First Person
Use the pronouns “I, me, my” etc when you are reading your affirmations.
You should identify yourself both in your own mind and to the universe as the person who will be receiving that which you are requesting.
2. Always use positive words, never negative
Never include words like “never, not, do not” etc.
The Universe may not recognize the negation.
So if you say, “I do not have problems with money” it may become “I have problems with money.”
Remember, these are positive affirmations — we need to keep the language positive!
3. Believe it to be true – speak as if it already exists
When you speak your affirmations, you need to say them as though you are living currently under these conditions.
As though what you want already exists in your life.
If you speak as if it is true, it will become so (remember, fake it ’till you make it).
4. Feel the affirmation
When you speak the affirmation, you should try to imbibe it with as much emotion as possible. This makes it more “real”.
Feel that your financial situation is absolutely comfortable and secure.
Take a moment to imagine what financial security would feel like to you.
Perhaps you imagine yourself relaxing on a beach with warm sunlight upon your face, free from money worries.
Or perhaps you see yourself resting against a tree in a calm forest surrounded by green, comfortably secure in the knowledge that you have enough money.
The more emotions you can pour into these affirmations, the more powerful they will be!
Visualize yourself prosperous and happy.
5. Receive
Joyfully receive what the universe provides to you.
Never look a gift horse in the mouth and use negative thoughts, such as “I don’t deserve this opportunity.”
You deserve it!
Believe that and it will be so.
How frequently should you do these affirmations?
Make sure that you complete these affirmations at least twice times each day! Once in the morning and once before bed at a minimum.
You can say them, write them out, or read them to yourself.
These affirmations can be completed in about 5 minutes — that is only 10 minutes out of your day to start manifesting wealth!
In the beginning, you might feel a little embarrassed and that’s ok.
Just keep doing them and the frugal living affirmations will begin to feel more natural.
Now sign up for my newsletter in the box below ↓ to get your password for access to my Resource Library so you can get your FREE Frugal Living Affirmations printable!
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You will also get exclusive access to other freebies that will help you save money, increase your income, and start building the lifestyle of your dreams!
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