Soon this little website of mine will celebrate its one-year blogging anniversary — or, blogiversary, if you please. I feel honored and humbled to know that thousands of people visit my blog daily to find easy recipes, get inspired by DIYs, read helpful organization tips, and maybe even tune in for a little bit of my patented squirrely humor.
I wanted to take this opportunity to reminisce a little bit with you, dear reader, about how far we have come together. Because I am nothing, NOTHING, without you! (Is that a song? It sounds like a song.)
Make sure you stick around until the end for my surprise “Thank You” giveaway!
Reminiscing: One Year Blogging Anniversary + Giveaway
Perhaps we could take a stroll down memory lane together?
Here, dear friend, put your hand in the crook of my elbow and let’s walk together. Don’t mind the mistiness in my eye — that’s just the dust, I swear.
Let’s tour the past year at Squirrels of a Feather and see what was popular, what totally bombed, and just how far we have come together.
This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. That means that if you make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I fully believe in and use myself. Read more here.
My very first blog post
Honestly, I am a little embarrassed to share this, but I am going to for the sake of antiquity (and maybe the lulz).
Looking back, I started my blog with the clear intention that I wanted to help people. However, I was without clear direction on how to achieve that and jumped from topic to topic.
My very first blog post, written in December of 2017 was “No Pain Trick for Taking Down Your Christmas Tree” and I was SO PROUD of it! I mean, I thought this was revolutionary stuff people.
(The cringe is STRONG with this one!)
Please notice the poor photography, the extremely short and non-descriptive length, and the weirdly not relevant, pseudo-retro featured image of a woman crying. Feel free to marvel that my blog went anywhere with this kind of intial direction!
This post has been read by exactly no one.
Squirrels of a Feather or “What the heck is my niche?“
What is Squirrels of a Feather anyway? What the heck does Squirrels of a Feather mean?
While I now blog about creative homemaking topics (easy recipes, DIYs, and organization) when I first started my blog I thought I was going to be writing about all-around random lifestyle topics that interested me — I even wrote about how I taught myself Chinese!
Here is the full explanation of my blog’s name from my About Me page:
Squirrels of a Feather; frugal, together was my original slogan. I wrote posts like:
- How the KonMari Method Made Me $10,000 on eBay
- 7 Easy Steps to Your Perfect Budget
- A 12-Step Program to Save Money on Groceries (Without Coupons!)
It took me almost a year but eventually, I decided to niche down and just focus on recipes, DIYs, organization, creative side hustles for homemakers and forget about budgeting and saving money.
I definitely feel like I connected more with you on those topics and I am so happy I did. 🙂
From Yuck to Yum!
Truth hurts and the truth is I SUCKED at photography when I first started. I mean, it was bad. I had to go back and reshoot some of my old photographs because I later realized how suck-a-licious they were.
Case in point, check out this before-and-after comparison of my photography for my Spicy Korean Pork Belly Recipe in January 2018.
You can see how much my photography improved when I reshot the whole thing six months later in June 0f 2018!
But you know the funny thing? Even with the horrible photography, this was and still is one of my most popular recipes! That ugly pin does crazy well on Pinterest!
Squirrels of a Feather: Reader Favorites
Call me bias, but I like to think that Squirrels of a Feather readers are an especially educated and savvy lot (I see you nodding in agreement).
Here are some of my readers’ favorite posts, in no particular order.
Reader favorite: 15 Essential KonMari Method Do’s and Don’ts
Seems like you guys love the KonMari method just as much as I do! Almost all of the KonMari posts are super popular, but this post holds a special place in our hearts.
Truth be told, Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, was one of the reasons I decided to start my blog!
If you have read my About Me page, you may know that both my parents died quite early. I was nine when my mother passed away and lost my father at age 20; for years I carried boxes upon boxes of stuff around rather than dealing with them.
Happily, the KonMari method is helping me to recover after decades of grief. If you feel overwhelmed by all the “stuff” in your life or are dealing with grief-clutter after the loss of a loved one, please do go read her book!
Go check out the post!
Reader Favorite: Easter “Find the Bunny” Sight Word Game
Learning how to read is a hot topic in my household right now — and it seems like it is in yours too!
This fun game is super easy to make and can be customized to your child’s reading level. I always like creating crafts that can be reused and/or repurposed rather than just being a one-and-done thing.
Find out how to make this DIY!
Now I want to hear from YOU!
I don’t want to keep talking all about myself because that’s boring. Instead, I want to hear about Y-O-U!
Please, take the time to leave me a comment below and tell me something like:
- Who are you?
- Why do you visit my blog?
- What do you like reading about most?
- What kinds of things do you want to see more of in the future?
I truly appreciate your time and want to hear back from you so I can make Squirrels of a Feather even better in 2019! 🙂
(If you aren’t part of my fluffy flock yet, hit the button below to sign up for my newsletter and become part of the Squirrels of a Feather family — as a bonus you get instant access to my Resource Libary of freebies!)
I Want to Join and Get Freebies!
Time for the Blog Giveaway
To show my thanks for you, my amazing readers, I am giving away one $50 e-gift certificate to The Container Store! Click that link to window shop and dream of what you would buy, if you like.
To enter, simply follow the prompts in the Rafflecopter form below!
The winner will be randomly selected via the Rafflecopter app. You can get more entries just by performing a few simple tasks! (This giveaway is valid for individuals 18 years of age or older only and US residents only, excluding Hawaii and Alaska. Void where prohibited.)
One winner will be chosen randomly and notified via email. You will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner will be chosen. Winner must adhere to eligibility criteria listed above.
The contest starts at 10:00 am EST on 02/21/2019 and ends at 11:59 pm EST on 02/28/2019. This giveaway is not sponsored by The Container Store, Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook in any way.
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Arlin | About Social Anxiety says
My favorite posts are the ones about SEO techniques for blogging! I’m fascinated by how quickly you ranked in Google and started earning an income from your blog. I also appreciate the humor in how your posts are written, they are fun to read.
Marissa says
Thanks, Arlin, and I know you have been around here following for a while now! I am glad that you like my humor, it’s funny how that came out over time because you CERTAINLY don’t see it in my first few posts, hahaha! Takes time to find one’s stride, I guess. How long have you been blogging — have you celebrated your blogiversary yet?
Pat says
Hi! I actually found you by searching on Pinterest for neat and different food ideas. The picture of UR agar Halloween eyeballs was very eye catching (okay and probably gross too lol), but your site name is amazingly creative and such a tease that says, I dare you to visit and share a few nuts!! Lol. I love reading your posts. They are so real life, from the heart felt words, your humor and even the mistakes. Wish we were neighbors, we’d be laughing all the time. You make me laugh, bring a tear to my eyes, or old memories to mind. Its like you are connected to all us “squirrels” in squirrelville. Here’s to a long and very successful, happy social media and online (and personal) life!
Marissa says
Pat, that makes me incredibly happy to hear! Those eyeballs are popular probably BECAUSE of their grossness, hahaha. I plan on sharing some more not-gross agar agar recipes soon. Agar agar is honestly a fascinating food medium to play with. So glad that two squirrels like us could find each other in this wide, wide world…thanks so much for the positive vibes! 🙂
Lauren | Mom Home Guide says
Happy Anniversary! Great giveaway! I’ll have to go back and read some of your first posts. I could use money saving tips!
Marissa says
Thanks dear friend, and if you find those posts you will be one of the VERY FEW people who do read them! LOL.
Julie Briones says
Happy blogiversary, dear heart!
Who are you? Your blogging BFF.
Why do you visit my blog? To support you, get great tips and tricks, and to laugh
What do you like reading about most? Organizing tips (and your fam)
What kinds of things do you want to see more of in the future? DIYs and crafts
Love ya, and looking forward to many more years!
Marissa says
Thanks so much for answering my questions! Can’t wait to share more great stuff with you in the future, BFF!
Cindy says
Congrats Marissa!!! You have accomplished so much in such a short period of time!! Your hard work is evident!! Big hugs and continued blessings to you and your blogging endeavors!
Marissa says
Hugs right back at ya, Cindy! I will give you a real hug in person if we are ever at another blogging conference together too!
christina moore says
Happy Anniversary, Love the giveaway
Marissa says
Thanks so much, Christina and best of luck! Hope to see you around here more in the future. 🙂
Nancy Bowers says
I would like to see more giveaways.
Marissa says
I will try and make that happen more in the future, Nancy!
Sara says
I still haven’t found my stride yet lol. I’m so impressed by how far you’ve come in one short year! You’ve inspired to take some serious action in parting with clutter. Congrats from your feathery friend at the name you didn’t take ?
Marissa says
Ha! Thanks so much, Sara, I remember when I first started doing link parties, found your stuff (the koi staircase), and I was like, “Hmmm I dig this chick’s blog and name!” 😉 I am so happy that you feel inspired to declutter, it honestly brings so much peace of mind! Thanks for being my feathery friend!